

By Love Reclaimed: Jean Harlow Returns to Clear Her Husband's Name
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Mastering illusion is prevalent in our society…whether we, or others initiate it…


It may start for instance feeding our baby and distracting its attention: “Look at the birdie!” As it does, during that window of opportunity/its inattention we spoon-feed it…


Individuals, Groups, Governments, Business Interests, including politicians, TV/radio and most media seem to do likewise…


BEWARE OF DISTRACTION! That is because its repercussions could allow your inner child, thus, once out of guard, to be “spoon-fed” nutritious food, or “poison…” It is a matter of personal and collective choice…


In hypnosis, that I have been practicing over forty years, the most effective tool, after the principal one of trust/cooperative enterprise/mutual agreement, is DISTRACTION…


Distracting one’s conscious attention for a fraction of a second leaves the subconscious open… A positive suggestion fired during that open time window of opportunity bypasses the conscious censorship and goes strait to the subconscious, thus, becoming most effective…


In a similar manner, without necessarily using formal hypnosis, we may influence each other in our everyday life…


“ISN’T IT FASCINATING?” This is one of my dear friend’s, Kevin Ryerson’s lively and funny trance-channeled remark, from an ancient humorous Egyptian spirit whom he channels, and it stands for: “Eurika!” Or “I found it!”


Well, driving the discussion to our original subject—DISTRACTION… we may conclude that before THE HIGHER POWER, that we may not rationally/consciously conceive, but must have total faith in Its Goodness, there are the human interactions in which we are better prepared to face and make the right choices, once we have become aware of their possible DISTRACTION… Practicing this awareness daily and hourly, we will achieve…


One simple example among thousands, is a coordination by the power elite, big business, politicians and media to keep masses distracted/in dark, thus fire their effective suggestions in order to maintain their status quo?... i.e. focusing, and directing masses wrath on common criminals, rapists, instead of them, and using law, law enforcement issues and negative campaigning during elections, ad nauseam…


We need for our individual and collective happiness to focus on, and direct love, peace and compassion towards each other…


After all we are ONE in love, peace and compassion, from God, through God and for God… God in me relating to God in you cannot make but for a perfect relationship… and it applies to all God’s children…


Love and Light, my Dear Friends,

